Current Search:  Florida Heritage Collection (UNF) (x)


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(21 - 40 of 233)


Aragon Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida [brochure]
Atlantic-Gulf ship canal, Fla
Beautiful St. John's River through the heart of tropical Florida
Blueprint for Improvement
Book of Florida
Book of Jacksonville: a history
Carling Hotel : Jacksonville, Florida : largest modern hotel [brochure]
Case study analysis of five African American male educational leaders
Charge to keep : Brewster Hospital, Brewster Methodist Hospital, Brewster Hospital School of Nursing, Brewster-Duval School of Nursing, 1901-1966
Charter and ordinances of the City of Jacksonville, together with the rules and important resolutions of the City Council
Charter and ordinances of the City of Jacksonville, together with the rules and important resolutions of the City Council
Charter of the consolidated government of the City of Jacksonville, Florida
Citizen participation in the schools
Community facilities colleges and universities
Comprehensive city plan of Jacksonville, Florida
Cross Florida barge canal restudy report, summary
Cross Florida barge canal restudy report, summary
Date with destiny ... Oct. 1, 1968
Desegregation of a historically black high school in Jacksonville, Florida
Development suggestions for Saint Augustine, Florida
